Saturday, 2 February 2013

Come on baby light my fire!

Onwards, and literally upwards, once again.  This time to the Monteverde Cloud Forest.  RM was exorcised about getting to  what he thought was going to be a roll on, roll off ferry across Lake Arenal on time as he was held up paying the room bill. When we arrived we found we had a 40 seater boat to ourselves for the 30 minute crossing to Rio Chiquito.  We then bumped onwards for another 2 hours on a dirt track to our next home.

Temperatures have dropped considerably and it feels more like being in a ski chalet rather than a cloud forest lodge.  Here we are having a drink just after the lighting of the fire and candles at 5.30pm.  We even have a duvet and blanket on our bed rather than the thin sheet we've needed to date.  Although sunny, it is very windy with sprays of fine mist every so often.  Activities await.

Peter has managed to pull a couple of birds already!

1 comment:

  1. It's just alcohol and bed with you two, interspersed, it seems, with lazy trips up a river or across a lake.

    When are we going to see nature tooth and claw. Pumas, snakes and caches of ancient gold and stuff. I want Indian Jones not Winnie the Pooh.

    Yours in anticipation.
