Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Feliz Crumpleanos!

The birthday boy's day started with a surprise al fresco breakfast in the gardens of Monteverde Lodge in Costa Rica.

Our friend Eduardo picked us up for the four hour transfer mainly over unmade roads to the Nicaraguan border, stopping to pick up a snack lunch along the way.

We'd been warned about possible long delays at the border, but in the end it was quite uneventful.  Particularly as our new guide, William, greased the palm of the immigration officer.  He told us that he thought the officer looked hot, and so offered to buy him a soda.

We then had a relatively short ride on the Pan American Highway to San Juan Del Sur one of Nicaragua's main ports. William suggested a tour around the town, stopping at a beach side restaurant where beers were provided and a toast made to the birthday boy.

Morgan's Rock Hacienda and Eco Lodge is hard to describe.  We passed the front entrance and 30 minutes later we were still following signs for reception.  Eventually a series of thatched roofs came into view and we were greeted by Miriam.  

Our 'room' is one of 15 and only accessible by negotiating a long path and 100m hanging bridge.  It perches on the side of a steep hill and our room is amazing.  It has a courtyard garden, large veranda with swinging day-bed and two chairs for watching the sunset over the Pacific Ocean.  The large indoor room, with only mosquito mesh at the windows, has a huge bed and on another floor a sofa for relaxing.  The pipe work in the bathroom is exposed copper tubes.

HJ had pre-booked a birthday dinner on the intimate deck but on arrival, found we had been usurped!  Complaints were made and the manager offered a bottle of their "finest champagne".  This turned out to be a cheap bottle of sparkling Chilean wine that we had already ordered.  On complaining again, he produced a bottle of their most expensive French wine $70 and said that he had another chilled should we want it.  He also offered a free excursion of our choice.  The meal was excellent and we were last to bed across a now very dark bridge.

1 comment:

  1. Love the bridge. I've begun a bed/bedroom rankings. So far this one scores 9.5.

    Is the area volcanic? Listen out for distant rumblings in the night.

    Suggest stash of booze by the bed. Allows you to drink in excess without having to clamber over that rather insubstantial bridge totally pissed on cheap heavily marked up French plonk.
