Thursday, 31 January 2013

A room wih a view

Hotel Manoa promised fabulous views of the Arenal Volcano from the rocking chairs on our patio.  As you will see, the volcano has been shrouded in cloud ever since we arrived.  We suspect that it is like this much of the year and that they take the promotional photos for the brochure on the one day that it isn't

Taken on self timer - camera on our bed

We have had some very different experiences here in La Fortuna. 

We spent a morning on a 3 mile trail high up between the rain and cloud forests which took us over eight fixed bridges and six hanging bridges, the longest being 22 metres long.  These swung like the wibbly, wobbly bridge from St Paul's on speed!

Turning into "twitchers"
Early evening and dinner was spent at Ecotermales Hot Springs.  There were three large outdoor pools set amongst the trees and connected by water falls and were lovely and hot.  On checking in, the very kind receptionist explained that an hour was long enough but that we should take cooling breaks every 15 minutes.  Fortunately there was a cocktail bar, with an honesty payment system, where we could do this. 

Today we had a free day and so spent the afternoon visiting the hotel's farm where as well as seeing pigs, sheep and chickens, we tried our hand at milking a cow.  RM was more successful than HJ, despite her farming roots, as he managed to squeeze out a teaspoon full of milk.

I think I'll have my coffee black!

The afternoon finished with a happy hour cocktail  . . . . Tomorrow we head for the cloud forest.


  1. Mistakenly I asked Helen to send me the blog's link, little knowing the horrors that lay within.

    "camera on the bed" - for those intimate shots?

    There's nothing nicer than hand milking a cow or two (you're meant to use both hands Helen), or counting sheep.

    I'll be following your every step from now on.

  2. Avert your eyes: another bed room scene has just been published!
