Saturday, 16 February 2013

Cat on a hot tin roof.

Leon has certainly being hot - one of the hottest in Nicaragua. 

Highlights have been:

The tombs on the cathedral roof where HJ stepped into thin air
Visiting our first cathedral - massive on the outside, disappointing on the inside.  HJ also felt bruising on the roof as she stepped into thin air on the escarpment and grazed her leg badly.

To keep on the roof theme, our tour in Spanish of the Museo Heroes y Martries culminated in our being dragged literally on to a red corrugated and rusty iron roof of the revolutionary building - 30 meters above the main square in the mid day sun

RM looking confident onthe tin roof
After lunch we tried the fascinating Museo of Legends and Myths housed in an old prison where at the end we were sent up a very narrow railed staircase leading to a 2 foot wide path around the outside of the whole building.  Fortunately there was a thin narrow handrail to keep us safe.

A boat trip through the red mangroves to Juan Vernado island - 17km by 300 metres at its narrowest.  Here we saw captured iguanas being introduced into the breeding programme and the divots of the last turtles which had been released into the sea the night before.  This contrasted bleakly with the site of young boy trying to hawk these animals on the side of the road for dinner.

An afternoon spent in a splendid multi national spent in an art gallery that covered everything from religious art of the 16th century to more contemorary modern art - all in two magnificent mesons opposite our hotel.

Finding a tapas restaurant for out last meal in Nicaragua where there was an offer on the SB - two for one - who could refuse.

Tomorrow we travel to El Salvador - who knows what awaits.


  1. HJ you look absolutely stunning in your mantilla. You are the one on the right?

    A moustachioed RM looks quite dapper.

    Ah, there's nothing like a good old BOGOF.

    How's the horse meat there?

  2. We liked the outfits so much, we thought we'd bring them home.

    We also hope to be riding rather than eating our dinner in Guatemala!
