Thursday, 24 January 2013

Do you know the way to San Jose?

Crossing the border from Panama into Costa Rica was surprisingly easy apart from having to drag our suitcases across a rather delipidated and disused railway bridge.  Paperwork done, we set off with Eduardo and Mauricio his driver, for the five hour journey to San Jose where we spent the night. We were well looked after with a pile of snacks on the seat between us.

The journey was fascinating and more like a game drive on a safari as Eduardo kept stopping to point out various animals. Our highlight was this sloth on the road whereas they are normally high up in the tree tops. The road followed the Caribbean coastline for some way and we stopped to drink fresh coconut milk. The evening was spent in San Jose eating pizza, a welcome change after all the fish.


  1. That isn't a photo of Tim is it?

  2. Dear mystery NSC
    What a dreadful suggestion! Actually I do have a rather nice picture of a bunch of bananas which I nearly posted for him!
