Monday, 21 January 2013

Hats off to Panama

Today is our last in Panama after two action packed days on Isla Colon.  Our alarm call on Saturday was set for 4am so we could catch the 6.30am flight to Boca del Toro. All went very smoothly and we were checked in to our room by 7.45am.  We had an unexpected breakfast provided and at 9.30am we were boarding a boat for a trip.  Our guide was Livingstone, a huge bear of a man, who took us right around the island and to Swan's Cay, a rock protruding from the sea, where we were able to see red-billed tropic birds and brown boobies.  The sea was a little choppy but fortunately we moved off just before HJ started to feel too queasy.  It was then onto Boca del Drago were we were able to walk around the tiny beach resort before a lovely lunch.  The afternoon was spent searching for star fish on the appropriately named Star Fish Beach before snorkeling along the coral reef.  On return we had a walk around the small town which has a very Caribbean feel to it with most of the locals speaking Creole English rather than Spanish. 

On Sunday we left at 9am, against with Livingstone at the helm, and headed for Salt Creek in Bastimentos National Park (Panama's first marine national park).  We navigated through clusters of red mangrove trees to an island with an indigenous population of Ngobe Bugle.  Here our guide took us on a trek along a Caiman trail and we were able to spot, lots of birds, night monkeys, the poison dark frog (about the size of a thumb nail), three toed sloth and eventually at a small lake, the spectaled caiman.  Back on the boat and to another wonderful lunch before snorkeling twice in the afternoon amongst coral and the mangrove trees.  Our day was completed with an hours sun bathing on Red Frog Beach before returning back to the hotel at 5.30pm for much needed showers and our first cocktail of the trip.

All we have eaten here is fish which has been excellent: we have tried, octopus, calamari, langustine, shrimp, dorado and red snapper.

As I write RM is just packing for our transfer to San Jose in Costa Rica (a land crossing) where we will spend the night before moving on to a national park.

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