Friday, 18 January 2013

School's out . . .

Wednesday and Thursday at school have been spent out and about with a non-English speaking teacher, Dayra.  Firstly we re-visited the canal and this time were very lucky to see five ships passing through which made up for a slightly disappointing first trip.  We visited the museum again, this time trying to read and understand the Spanish explanations. The only blot on our day was horrendous traffic on our return journey.

Thursday was spent visiting Avenida Centrale, which was the original main street of Panama City before the modern expansion.  The shops are all old and the mall, the first in the city, does not even have air conditioning. we walked the length of the street with Dayra pointing out the contents of stalls and the run down shops, again all in Spanish.Most of which we think our lessons have taught us to understand. We came back by bus.

Today, Friday, we have been promised an afternoon visit to the park followed by our graduation ceremony (with first class honours: gowns and mortars have been hired!).

Saturday will see us transferring to Isla Colon in the archipelago Bocas del Torro (which translates to Mouth of the Bull). Our hotel, the Bocas Inn, has 7 bedrooms and sits on stilts above the water. The wooden deck has sun chairs, a bar and dining room and the first floor has hammocks overlooking the bay. It is five minutes from the airport (an hours flight from Panama City). 

This morning on BBC World we could not believe a shot of David Cameron leaving Downing Street. It was snowing and there was so much snow on the car.  It all feels a million miles away!

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