Monday, 11 March 2013

Two wheels on her wagon - with photos

To date we've crossed borders by foot, car and air but our transfer from Guatemala to Belize was by sea.  We left Livingstone in a boat with "Fat Robert" at the helm but despite this. it was a very smooth one hour crossing and we arrived in Belize at Punta Gorda earlier than expected.  Consequently no one met us and after waiting over an hour, the Customs staff hailed a passing taxi (well, it had four wheels and a driver), for the short journey to an even shorter airstrip (it cannot be called an airport).  On checking in, we discovered we were booked twice and therefore, four of the potential 12 passengers.  At first we thought we were going to have the plane to ourselves until three passengers arrived at the last minute for the 15 minute flight.

We are now at Roberts Grove overlooking the Caribbean sea. 

It is very much a beach "resort" with evening entertainment and buffets which we are doing well to avoid by escaping to their Mexican restaurant over the road.

Cyclists amongst you be warned!  HJ has started limbering up for a summer on two wheels.  We ventured into the local town, some five miles away, on bikes provided by the hotel (HJs was pink).  The ride was smooth aside from numerous very steep speed bumps.  

There were two warnings along the way: one for crossing crabs and the other, a barrier to stop us from running into low flying aircraft that were taking off as we crossed the end of the runway.

In Placencia, we had reviving Belikin bees, and HJ tried the recommended ice cream from Tutti Fruitti which was excellent.  By now, any calories burned by cycling had now been restored.  We also had an excellent lunch of jerk chicken and pulled pork.  HJ decided she had been adventurous enough for one day and the conch soup remains untried.

On the return journey, HJ was the Chris Froome, leading Bradley "RM" Wiggins in her slip stream. 

Back at the hotel, HJ jumped in the pool to cool off and then ran to the bar for a drink.  She thinks that the triathlon at the Rio Olympics may be within her grasp!

PRs present on Mother's Day is an hour's kayaking in the Caribbean sea.

We are going to be on the move again, to a lodge called Chaa Creek where Prince Harry stayed; so I expect services to be excellent!


  1. I want to join the church that celebrates smoking and drinking

  2. A lot of Roberts in that one!!!

  3. Dear Bon - I look forward to praying with you on return. Will join you in the queue for the pew!

    Dear NSC - He was a lot of Robert! I knew the thought of my cycling activities would spur you to comment. I will probably be joining you on your Sunday summer outings!

  4. When I spoke to Daniel Craig I got the impression that Belsize was a bit like Monte Carlo but less glitzy. Are you sure you're not lost?

  5. Dear M - we did turn right when we left Livinstone, maybe we should have turned right.
