Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Bring on the dancing girls

Our "warm down" from the previous day's excursions, was a trip to the nearby Maya site of Palenque.  The big difference between this site and others is that the location is very green and it is very, very humid.  Unfortunately, it has the same steep, deep steps, which walking up in the heat was even more difficult.
Just before the climb to the very top

Even though we arrived at the site just after opening at 8am, this was the busiest one we've visited both with bus loads of tourists and hundreds of local people setting out souvenirs on blankets on the ground.  Edgar, being a local boy, was very adept at avoiding the crowds and taking us around the site through little used routes.

We left the site, via a route though the jungle, passing a lovely waterfall.

After our exertions the next day and a half were spent doing nothing more strenuous that climbing the steps down in to the pool and up to the restaurant and bar. 

On our final afternoon, our peace was disturbed by excited older men with all sorts of cameras, who began clearing the sun beds around us, but they insisted we could stay where we were. 

We were soon surrounded by dozens of gaily dressed young girls of all ages.  The director then set up the music centre and we worked out they were going to be filming folkloric dancing.

It felt quite bizarre to be sat in our swimsuits whilst all this was happening around us.  HJ even thought about joining the chorus line!

Tomorrow is transfer day again, this time to San Cristabal.


  1. I hope you both bought one of those pink hats from the Mayan Del Boy?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not only did I buy a hat, I bought the cerise outfit as well! I thought it might brighten up 100PS on my return. It was also a good use of BOO vouchers!
