Friday, 5 April 2013

Crocodile Dundee

To escape transforming into sand sculptures on the windy beach, we went to investigate a cenote, said to be a ten minute walk from our hotel.  We set off, map in hand, counting down the hotels to where the cenote was said to be. But having walked for twenty five minutes and hit the arched entrance to the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, we knew we had missed it - not difficult when you have no idea what you are looking for.

On the way back, HJ noticed a camp site entrance which appeared to give access to the cenote, so we investigated and sure enough, for a cover charge of 30 Mexican Peso each (£1.80), we were in and told we would find it if we walked though the tents to the back of the site.

Having passed a sign, we arrived to find a small wooden deck and floating wooden jetty on a fairly narrow stretch of water that was surrounded on the far side by red mangrove trees (after all our naturalist expeditions we are now adept at naming flora and fauna).

The water was extremely clear but very deep (10m) and you could see the fish swimming.

The water did look inviting, and we were debating who should go in first when HJ spotted a sign with a few 'dos and don'ts' i.e. do have a shower before you enter to remove sun cream to keep the cenote pure.  However, one 'don't' caught her eye - do not swim within 5 meters of the crocodiles!  Now we know what the entrane sign meant when it said 'Swim at your own risk'. There was now no debate, RM had to go in first.  However he was still a bit jippy about it, until we saw a couple of young Americans approaching. 

Not wanting to appear a wimp, in he jumped, whilst at this stage HJ still hadn't taken off her shorts. RM swam around for a bit and eventually after much careful consideration and a full discussion on whether crocodiles were noctural or not and whether they would attack you, the couple decided to join him.  Two girls arrived, and were likewise persuaded so HJ took on the role of official photographer, still keeping her shorts firmly on.

The peaceful silence was only shattered once when RM swam backwards and got tangled in what he thought was a passing snake, but this turned out to be the rope mooring the jetty in place.

We retired back to our hotel (HJ never having taken off her shorts) and spent the afternoon on the beach.  If you really want to know what a cenote (or ceynote as I think they call it in the UK) you will have to Google.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. Show those whippersnappers what the older generation are made of. You did remember to keep your pants on?

    Do you know, RM was the spitting image of that character in "The Blue Lagoon" - the one who got off with Brooke Shields. Sorry - it's the character played by Leo McKern I'm thinking of. Even so RM looks good slashing around!
