. . . . and so after the most incredible 90 days, we reluctantly fly home from Cancun to Gatwick on Tuesday.
It is so difficult to answer what will be the most frequently asked question: what was the best bit? So we thought in Oscar/Award style we'd nominate a few of our favourites,
Favourite Country - has got to be Nicaragua for its diversity including, lakes, volcanoes, colonial towns and nature.
David Attenborough Award for wildlife - Caiman spotting in the dark on the Rio San Juan in Nicaragua when our guide leapt out of the boat, light on his head, and wrestled a caiman just so we could see it close up. Missed opportunity - HJ being too scared to stroke it. Close runner up, seeing a three toed sloth on the side of the road in Costa Rica and getting an amazing photograph (it's sure to be a competition winner).
Best dramatic scene - Lake Atitlan in Guatemala when HJ thought she was going to be burnt to a crisp as the raging mountainside blaze headed towards her.
Most romantic moment - when William (who wins prize for the best guide in Central America) bought chocolates for HJ on Valentine's Day.
Award for the most active blog commentator - Marginalia who has kept us amused with his witticisms. He wins a pub crawl around E17.
Award for the most active blog commentator in a foreign language - VP accepting on behalf of Google Translate.
Snappiest dresser - RM for nearly wearing a crocodile skin suit whilst swimming in a cenote.
So what are we looking forward to on return?
Obviously it has to be catching up with friends and finding out all the gossip.
Putting our KEEN sandals away after 90 days wear and having a signiciantly larger wardrobe to chose from.
Doing our own cooking after constantly eating out.
Swapping rice and beans for a take away curry and bacon butty.
Sleeping on the same side of the bed every night (HJ always bags the loo side) and knowing where the bathroom is without the light being switched on.
Choosing a bottle of SB knowing that it won't be their last one.
Being able to wear Chanel No 5 and Aramis and not Eau d' DEET (to keep mosquitoes away) and in the same vein, only having to take malaria tablets for 4 more weeks.
Not constantly having to pack and unpack.
Hasta luego and thanks for following!